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How To Create A Guitar TAB

How To Create A Guitar TAB - 3 Pages FREE PDF Download

Burton Jamison – Island Guitar Studios
October 31, 2024

This lesson assumes the reader already knows how to read and write TAB. First follow the link and print the FREE Guitar Tab Pages pdf TAB. Feel free to download, copy, or share the TAB page and the link with your friends.

Blank Guitar Tab Page - You will use this to write your TAB, then use it as a guide as you type your TAB into your text editor.

Your first attempt at a Guitar TAB can be a frustrating experience. I know mine was. I tried, and the TAB never turned out right. The TABS were always misaligned. But then I discovered the secret. You are about to discover it too.

The real secret to creating Guitar TAB is using the proper font. Courier or Courier New. That is the secret. Yep, easy as that. Well almost. For TAB that I create I use Courier New and the TAB always turn out great. You should already know this --> The numbers on the string lines are the fret number to play on that string.

Something to consider. I have started doing my tabs with the paper set at landscape and use text Bold and size 16 or 18 so the TABS are very easy to read.

Guitar TABS are fun to create after you get the hang of it.

Let's get started.

Write your TAB on the sheet that you printed earlier. Here is the “Well almost” part'.

Open whatever app you use for text, such as writing a letter that you will print. I use Open Office. A free download compatible with most Microsoft text editors.

The Font “Family” to use is "Courier New” or “Courier". Select Courier New or Courier for the Font and make it Bold/ Strong. Select the page layout either Portrait or Landscape that you decide to use.

Next set up the TAB A: as shown for you to get started. Title your TAB and add: TAB: Title then "your name" and your email address. You may be able to copy and paste the starting point of the TAB from below. Some TABS omit the string number. I add the string numbers for new students because they learn the string numbers before they learn the notes. Remember, the TAB will be easier to read if the Font is Bold/ Strong.

A: Feel Free To Copy And Paste
TAB: G Mixolydian
Burton Jamison


On all strings we will use two hyphens/ dashes after the open string notes E, B, G, D, A, E and after all fret numbers . We do this to determine the starting fret number on the next string.

On the TAB B: I am starting on string 6 after 6E-- with fret number 3. I add two hyphens/ dashes after fret number 3 (3--). Next I add fret number 5. It should look like this:3--5. After fret number 5, I add two dashes -- (5--) So we have on String 6, 6E--3--5--ˆ. The ˆ is the starting point on string 5. The fret number is 2. Don't include the ˆ on your TAB.

On string 5 after 5A-- we use dashes ------ to get to where the first fret number will start on string 5. Which is 2. We use two dashes between fret numbers 2--3 and 3--5 and after the last fret number (5--). String 5 has 5A--------2--3--5--ˆ, the ˆ is the starting point on string 4. Again, don't include the ˆ on your TAB.

String 4 shows after 4D-- that we again use dashes ------ to get to where the next fret number will start. Which is two dashes after the string 5 fret number 5--ˆ.

Keep using the same method for the starting fret number on any other necessary strings until the TAB is completed. Be sure to title and number each page if more than one. Please note that strings 3, 2 and 1 will have dashes to at least fret number 2 on string 4.

4D-----------------2 ˆ the next fret number on string 4

The example above and D: is part of and the complete G Mixolydian Mode fingering in C Major.

Please note, if there are no other fret numbers after the last fret number on each string, we use dashes to get to the end. Which will be the two dashes after the last fret number on whatever string it may be. That is how we will keep the TAB uniform as shown in the TAB C: on string 6E.


and on the completed G Mixolydian TAB D:

Completed G Mixolydian TAB


Here is a link to We Wish You a Merry Christmas TAB to use as a guide.

How to TAB more than 1 string notes or chords. Partial examples. E:


Bouree TAB by Burton Jamison


Please note: some fret numbers have one dash between them to save space and paper.

Jingle Bell Rock TAB


You can do this! Like anything else, the more you do it the easier it will become.

How To Create A Guitar TAB - 3 Pages FREE PDF Download

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